NARGAROTH - Black Metal ist Krieg
Black Metal ist Krieg!
Black Metal ist Krieg!
Black fucking Metal ist Krieg!
Black Metal ist Krieg!
Black fucking Metal ist Krieg!
Black Metal ist Krieg!
Black Metal ist Krieg!
Ihr Wichser, es ist Krieg!
Black Metal!
Black Metal ist Krieg!
Black Metal ist Krieg!
Black Metal ist Krieg!
Fuck, Metal ist Krieg!
Black Metal!
Black Metal ist Krieg!
Black fucking Metal ist Krieg!
Black Metal ist Krieg!
Ihr Wichser, es ist Krieg!
Black Metal ist Krieg!
Ihr Wichser...
Black Metal ist Krieg!
Black fucking Metal ist Krieg!
Fuck you!
Krieg, es ist Krieg!
Black Metal ist Krieg!
Ihr Wichser, Krieg!
Es ist Krieg!
Black Metal ist Krieg...
Seven Tears Are Flowing To The River
Seven Tears are flowing to the river
And six of 'em are mine...
Und ich kostete den fremden Saft,
Der sich mit meinigem vermengte,
Um zu deuten in ihm jene Kraft,
Die an so viele ich verschenkte.
Und fremd war er in meinen Mund
Und ich stürzt' in tiefe See'
Und es schmerzt die alte Wunde,
Die geifernd lacht in all dem Weh'.
Doch als die Flut sein Leichnam barg,
Nachdem er Trän' verlor, sechs am der Zahl.
Das Wasser ward zu seinem Sarg,
Eine Siebte sich ergoß... aus Qual.
Und als der Fluß die Trän' geleitet,
Hin zu ew'gen Meer,
Ward ihm endlich Lieb' bereitet.
Doch das er weiß wohl nimmer mehr.
Und könnt die Zeit verkehrt nun fließen
Und sei nur Traum der ganze Schmerz,
Wird er um sie die Arme schließen
Und Liebe sei um beider Herz...
The Day Burzum Killed Mayhem
A year of misery?
Darkness fills the sky.
I hear the warriors cry.
The legend tells a story
From a Viking from the north,
Who met a Death Warrior
Black Metal was never really the same.
The legend call it murder
And the Viking had survived.
But the eyes of the Death Warrior
Never saw again the sun upon the sky.
And the quintessence:
Everyone recognized war,
That Black Metal isn't just
Entertainment anymore.
I can still remember
My emotions so confused.
My soul was seeking answers.
No knife I let unused.
So many questions
I had to satisfy.
My soul was under torture,
But I knew my way was right.
I see a cemetery fall asleep under fog
And I know the old days will never come
1993, this year of misery was the knife
which split the Black Metal scene apart.
Since that mighty day Black metal split his Way,
And the unity was never the same again.
Lies, rumors and hate. Moneymaking, sadness
And shame
And all this by, the Day as Burzum Killed Mayhem.
Remember this day! Remember this way!
That you never betray, what here leads you
On your way!
And I never will forget
The day as this both warriors met.
The blood was hot the moon was red
And Black Metal created his own grave.
And I dream from days before
Black Metal Maniacs, no whore,
In the legions of war
The demons in our heads the law.
So I summon you once again,
We should never forget the pain
From older days in our veins
We now cut of that it can flow like rain.
Arrghh, this was the legend from
The Day as Burzum killed Mayhem.
Pisen Pro Satana (Root Cover)
Ach Satane, Ty vládče vsehomíra,
jak skála pevná je má láska k tobě.
Nezměnitelná v tebe je má víra,
obrácený kříz chci mít na hrobě.
Tvůj obraz mám vypálený v srdci -
v srdci, které je navzdy tvoje!
Kdyz navstívís mě někdy v noci,
pentagram zazáří jak světlusek roje.
Tvým jménem proklel jsem kostely a chrámy,
mou dusi sám Lucifer si vzal.
Spálil jsem Bibli a podobný krámy
a tobě své tělo věnoval.
Vím, ze jsem tvůj, jsem majetkem tvých synů
a těsím se na tvůj ohnivý Ráj.
Jen vírou v tebe já odčiním svou vinu,
pak půjdu dál, az na propasti kraj.
Při Černé msi jsem vzdy nesmírně hrdý,
ze do učení k sobě jsi mě vzal.
Co nezmohou dnes jěste zádné vědy,
to vsechno ty uz dávno znal.
Kdyz skládám ruce do středu Pentagramu,
a duse má se začne zachvívat,
pak vzdycky poznás, ze nikdy tě nezklamu,
ze navěky tě budu milovat!
Amarok - Zorn des Lammes III
I have seen the wrath of the land,
as I wandered like a wolf among the sheep.
I was a part of the wrath of the lamb,
so I am a part of the wolf.
Oh I am the wolf, oh I am the lamb,
so I am (fuck) Satan and I'm (fuck) God.
Call me now judas or call me insane,
I am what I am, I'm just a men/man.
Call me now judas or call me insane,
I am what I am, I'm just a men/man.
Fuck yeah, arrghh...
I am a men/man.
Erik, May You Rape The Angels
Brothers fall, day by day.
DEAD was first "and all others followed".
But now, another warrior has gone
into the reaven realm of darkness.
Erik, did you found what you lost:
your own god?
Erik, did you make your own realm
and your peace?
Erik, was it time, was it time ach' to die?
I could hear the demons cry
upon the place where this demons fly...
And when I hallucinate the older days I hear
And when I hallicunate the older times I see
And when I will go on, I will keep you in my
You will be forever in and forever around my
Erik, May you rape the angels!
Erik, may you be your own tragedy!
May I die to get up so high
to be with you where the demons fly.
To walk the shadows,
to walk the night,
to run the hills with a Slipnier ride.
I have never seen the lonely stars shine so bright,
since you has died.
And if you hear my cry run spheres,
you know you will be in my heart.
Remember Grimm
Possessed By Black Fucking Metal
Once Upon A Time As Black Metal Ruled.
The Blood Was Hot.
The Hearts Were Strong.
The Future Seems To Be Ours.
But Nothing More Remained.
Because Black Metal Died.
Gone The Days Of Pure Underground.
Of Spirit, Pain And Fire.
So Listen To Your heart,
What Black Metal Means To You.
You're Weak Destroy Yourself.
You're From Old Days Remember His Corpse.
So I Summon The Old Warriors.
That We Shall Begin.
To Kill The False And Hate One
To Satisfy Our Hate.
I'm Possessed By Black Fucking Metal
I'm Possessed By Black Fucking Metal
I'm Possessed By Black Fucking Metal
I'm Possessed By Black Fucking Metal
I'm Possessed By Black Fucking Metal