IZAKARON - Chaoschrist

Aphrodite Of Hatered

Annihilating midnight 
Whose tunes were breeding within? 
When Thou wast awaken'd 
I'll aspire on black wings 
Away from that curs'd place 
Where Thou hast died 
Who shalt be waiting for me? 
Thou art gone and the world hath sunk in the vortex 
I shall draught my inspiration 
I shalt entwine Thy essence with death 
But am I granted the time to eliminate 
My creation before I die 
In the incessant oblivion? 
Thro' the fireworks of dawn 
I heard the groan of eternity 
And saw the angels of my passion fall 

O Aphrodite, Goddess of my hate 
I shall enslave Thee in the triumph of summer 
In the spires of winter and autumnal tears... 
With an evergrowing sorrow 

O Aphrodite, Goddess of my wrath 
Of my swaying unnatural state 
When Thy spectre is sent by the moonlight 
Will I see Thee again? 

Below countless summits of mountains 
Beneath the grim waves, 
Drowned in my seas 
The arcanum of vastness is conceal'd 
By the gleaming of the conjur'd trees 
Angels smil'd just once 
Unbinding me from my carnal chains 
By the touch of their divine wings 
"Fantasy strikes me by its frenzied miracles 
All that was impossible, 
now is a part of the endless world of darkness and light. 
I rule this Earth by the magic sceptre of desires. 
A giant turns into worm, flesh - into ashes... 
I compress the cosmos by my lust for the 
constancy of universal horror. 
I enslave the worlds, that aspire to ressurect by tytanic blast. 
The things created by nature will fall into primordial darkness: 
The moment of initiation into mystery. 
The glorious pace of my ominous hate. 
Seven ways lead from the coil of useless flesh 
to the place beyond the veil, 
where my Aphrodite is dancing amongst the dead." 

O Aphrodite, Goddess of my hate 
I cry out Thy name from the chasm of my fate 
In raven's pride and his baleful croak 
Our power is gather'd 
Our dominion over the Earth - 
The instant of the lives we possess 
The splendour of the beauty hath reach'd my soul 
The soul of my neverceasing hate 

O Aphrodite, Goddess of my love 
A vulture teareth asunder a dove 
But there's no suffering in the dead embrace 
So let the cosmos swallow itself 
The essence of Thine is vanish'd within 
The sounds of my odiferous prophecy 
I grieve not over my defeated hate 
For I am Hate itself

Woods Of Thy Might

Lost in the woods answers I seek 
The gateway to all, the entrance shalt rise before me 
'Tween two sacred firs I step forward... to Thee 
O vigilant forest of might, beyond time Thou dwellest 
Roots of Thine trees binding my feet 
Branches and leaves shalt twine rings around me 
The murk of the conjur'd crowns lightenth my eyne 
Embracing the spirit of wood, I drink of Thy might 
Underneath, where no sun stayeth 
On the pagan ground the forest eternal 
Where blood runth thro' all times 
The portal engrav'd in my heart 
Ages hath pass'd - all is the same 
For millions of years Thou stand still calling our names 
The Home of the gods who are set to rule the lands 
The North and the South, the West and the East 
Thou commandst 
Speak to me, Master of elves 
Show me Thy marches and thorns 
Send forth Thy wolves for my blood 
Grant me to hold the wisdom forlorn 
Drown me into the deepest mere 
Lead me to the grimmest gorge within Thy very heart 
Let me behold Thy runic treasures 
Veil me with fogs O Woods of Thy Might 
High to the stars, wide to the seas 
Forest uniting the times and the souls 
Black as the skies pierc'd by the trees 
Breeding Thine magick, Thou holdst me in thrall 
Once having pass'd thro' the gates of Thy realm 
I merg'd as one with the essence of Thine 
I am the part of the forest myself 
Rustling my leaves as a Hymn to Thy Might

Thou Art Incarnated Souls

He is alone in space where no one dwells 
Neither voice nor whisper neither handgrasp 
Nor other heart's warmth in the solitude of the eclipse 
Imprisoned in the obscure void of a voiceless denial 
No pity or sympathy of the other soul to be met 
But a ghastly shadowed night - burning nothingness 
Having descended into darkness like the one 
Who has lost his sight and lost the signs to be followed 

I am Creator of a myriad souls of mine 
I am Creator of infinite views 

The force is held within the stream of his own fantasies 
Transforming cosmic desires into astray reality 
Creating an infinite dream of a new place to live for him 
He's intent to disintegrate into countless pieces, 
multiple forms 

He will sow the seeds of foe straight amongst them 
He will sow the seeds of war cold and blackest 
He will weave the threads of fate inside the great one 
He will sow the seeds of peace and reap the harvest 

"I will ensnare them with ignorance..." 
"Thou art Incarnated Souls..." 
"...but allowing to acknowledge..." 
"...Thou art Master of Eternity..." 
"...everything...everything anew" 

And now the time has come when there's no need in personality 
But a myriad of living beings yearn to unite forerver 
Reality is to be born out of his fantasy 
He gazed mightily into darkness and uttered: 
"Let there be light" 

I am Creator of a myriad souls 
I am Creator of infinite views 
...and the light appeared...

The Origin

Milleniums turn to sand 
Behesting the souls of the ashes begrim'd 

Vague dreams of god dwell within them all 
Head for the depths, for the widths, for the times 

His poetry landscapes are deserts of naught 
Seeking his name 'neath the names of untrue 
His trident did rise again 
To pierce dimensions, nebulars with lethal breath 
of chasmic starless cold 

The being who is the oldest of times 
Lurking in the beings who multiply and unify, 
erecting the glorious reign 
His name spoken words 
Finding their way thro' the burning ordelesness 
Supressed by collision of wills by even sealed... 
Souls of reddening skies 
Upon this necklace they thread as stones 
Submerge in the gloam of dimmed luminaries 
In galaxies savouring horror 
Cosmos in crystals of possession reflected 
Invicible torrents, fierce sounds of Chaos 
Infinity born of perfection enthroned 
The forefather who let them drink of his essence 
Had sent them to wastelands, their lives - hatred's own! 

Vague dreams of god dwell within them all 
Head for the depths, for the widths, for the times 

His mask cracks 
Revealing the altars of ire unleashed 
Devouring desires born of the past 
Into the glory of unity does he arise! 
Sans mercy I contemplate 
Vanity swirling and raging in me 
My dust comprises his entirety 
For I am the Source, I am the Key, I am the Primal Chaos 
My poetry's landscapes are wastelands of Un 
The name of all gods are compelled by my own 
Eternally do I change 
To spawn dimensions, nebulars by cursed song of 
chasmic starless cold 
The being I am older than old 
Blasphemy sans shapes or forms 
Pulsation of unknown tytanic Chaos

I Am Of The Serpent

"You all are flesh that hath of my blood appear'd 
Your words to me bespoken hath the eery clash with light betokened" 

Where all pagan paths cross 
Where all olden warriors meet 
And torrents collide 
Thitherwards I turn my feet 
The Welkin's tongue - thundering swords 
The Earth's tongue - beast's shriek 
(My mother tongue) 
That I spake when Rus' was born 
Immortalized for their thousandbrave rites 
Ancestors glorious rise from the sea 
Their dagger-sharp voices pronounce words of Thine 

Beryhm'd in legends old 
Soul of Wolf and Raven 
Again as in times of yore 
Soul of Wolf and Raven 
Zmei Ognennyi Wolk 
Soul of Wolf and Raven 
We call to Thee 
Soul of Wolf and Raven 

The one who guideth as at war 
Thousandfac'd serpent leadeth us unto war 
Beclouded stare of His bale-burning eyes 
Of all Heathen temples revealing the lore 
Beryhm'd in legends old 

"The time that holdeth all times shalt out of fog emerge 
The millenial dreams of false light by my venom shalt be scorch'd" 

Wolves aflame 
We shall stalk thro' sylvian monoliths 
Ravens valorous 
We shall fly o'er deepest seas 
Serpents unseen 
We shall crawl into open mouths 

In the heart of hearts of the white plague 
Our host - the armours by grim runes enforc'd 
The htonic horde hath for vengeance return'd 
Ire-storming hiss shalt be hear'd from inside 
Their demise shalt be my breathren and I


The Profound

Swart suns' throne my flesh doth skrew 
'Midst the stellar wisdom seas 
How bittersweet is the triumph's taste as I wend my way 
The hidden stare beholdeth 
Tenebrae of untime passing forth 
Streameth to me thro' my pain's design 
Fears of eld ornate my soul with a greater lore 
Thence the night granteth yawning graves 
O Truth-sans-end Thy name be chasm for mortals 
I thread once more the eldritch path to the realms beneath 
My fall eternal, this fall - life immortal 
Hark to the black spheres' curse of the curious race of the worms 
Dimensions filth'd by tytanic wrath 
Unfurl the key to the earthly being 
And galaxies rap'd vail in awe before me 
The seven seals (of reincarnation) I wield 
Words of Woe unto suns and orbs 
And therewith I chide them forth 

"O Ye hwa peynen endleas ofercwoman 
Hwa werre steorra onyean wonnon 
Hwa afrehwoer dead ond blod swinnan..." 

Blackwhirlwind breathing outer Chaos 
Wherein I, timeless abide 

"O Ye secree tusendfaced 
Hwaem eal ayet 
Tac min gyft cyndliz"

Cold Kingdom

I see the tears of enthralling silence 
I hear its cold soundless might 
It watches me from peaks of reachless mountains 
And I cognizes the verges of its bottomless being 
In the dismal gleam of a writhing moon 
A grim shining of frost-bound rime... 
Waves of distress wash the bated nature 
Awaiting the soundblast of dawn 
Where northern spirits call... 
They call me! 

Landscapes cut through my soul 
In ages of frozen shadows I was born 
My heart of the North shining through primal snow 
Now I can hear Winter s calling horn 
I am alone 

To stand amidst perrenial trees 
At befogged and time-veiled Svarog s throne 
Under the blazing skies 
Forever shall I remain 
Deepest mirror-lakes reflect 
The splashes of constellations 
Forsaking their flaming bodies 
With the sparkles of burning stars 
Exhausted... they long 
For the enshrouding mere of rest 

Victims of the tired empyrean 
Illume me with fountains of light! 
Aurora Borealis, draw apart the boundaries 
of the everlasting aeon of stillness! 

Atoms of the world in the chasms of space 
Hark to the mourning of the ethereal elements 
And spread the streams of malign wizardry 
Throughout the spanless snowy realm 
A vehement multitude of silvery splendour 
Lies in the gorges of highlands, embraces the forests age-old... 

Lo! The blizzard is raving in silence 
The breath of life beneath the bowels of this land... 
...Enchanted forevermore!... 

Out of the depths of time, 
covered with dust of a million years wisdom 
Unknown planets of yore born, 
wander eternally in the outer space 
They wot there's only one Promised Land 
Where strange sadness is born in my heart 
Making hear the quiet and the whispers 
And see its diamond tears 
Under the reign of winter cold

Benighted / At The 9th Gate

The fourth ignited star did fall another time 
So flamingly enlightening my raptur'd eyes 
The daggers drew their paths upon my skin 
Thus showing triumphant unlight 
Foreseen eternities ago 
And now unfolding fragments to my life 
To testify the timeless sacrifice 
Of majesty of countless crowns of earth 
Farther than vestures of night are the gates 
Dreaming dead crawl thy kingdomwards 
Enter beyond the wraith-way gate! 
Near than spaces of crucifi'd world 
To fiends unrestrain'd unfurl their trace 
Darkness' beloved my wisdom flareth 
I am benighted 

Betid by darkness, though I am He myself 
The eightfold art my flesh now doth begird 
Out of these worlds Magnificence be heard 
Though worlds once weeping into dead now turn'd 

"Thy flesh be daughter of dust 
Thy name upon the water's be inscrib'd 
And paradise of thine be one 
Of those tales told 
On shores of Chaos Unrivall'd" 

Within the shrine amidst the forests of mine 
In icy slumber bleedeth from my eyes 
An astral passage to the 9th gate 
Snow'd by time 
Herald of enshadowed spheres 
Tyrannic scourge of waels, 
Word of Unrivall'd Chaos 
Whose face to mirrors sworn 
In times I drown 
Verily am I deity within my own self 
Skewering a thousand incarnations 
By the palm of Chaos bless'd 
Capturing the realms in my possession 
Moonlight Thy spectre shalt sent 
Ere I invoke Thee again 
The wraith-way gate receive 
And mortals' dawn is torn 
Beyond retrieve