GRAVELAND - Carpathian Wolves
Carpathian Wolves
Awoken spirits of the carpathian forest come,
hands of the dead beat the kettle drums with wrath.
Wolfish hordes awoken by the fullmoon,
follow the smell of blood and death.
Barbarism Returns
In the glare of furious lightnings
spell of the damned runic words,
Altar of uncoagulated blood
altar surrounding the women wolves.
In The Northern Carpathians
There is a place where evil lives,
There are woods where people die,
At midnight blood is more precious than gold.
In the Northern Carpathians.
Impaler Of Wallachia
At midnight wind was blowing,
Transylvanian snow was falling,
from the bloody womb of woman,
Son of Dragon was born...
Witches' Holocaust
Married to the Fire's Dragon,
You shall go where your sisters has gone
By the torment that becomes the deliverance
by the fire that was your destiny.
At The Pagan Samhain Night
At the pagan Samain night,
I entered the Darkside,
Evil arrived far from the North,
I known the might of Demonlord.
Unpunished Herd
Nights helps us,
we are unpublished Sons of Fenriz, Son Of Louve
This is the true element of Darkness Wild, unseizable,
true creation of Gods possessed.
Into The War
The last night has come,
and dawn will never come
The sound of kettle drums
spreads the hymn of Hatred
Into the war we come,
its time of the last battle